
Seven Trainspotters - Seven Psychopaths Review

I haven't blogged about anything for a while and out of everything I could blog about right now I would like to talk about the film Seven Psychopaths...obviously.I may have hurt Mr. Tarantino's feelings here (not that I know him personally, but still!), as I've left out a review of Django. I just wrote a long bit about how I think Tarantino should become just a writer, and I believe it, all these people who say he doesn't have a single original idea don't see what I do. He takes ideas, yes, but to me a director who can't be inspired by what is around them can't possibly have the imagination to create something world-implodingly mind-blowing.

I digress....kind of. My next point was going to be that Seven Psychopaths is Tarantino-esque. Sudden, over the top moments of violence, ridiculously quirky characters, with a crazy ensemble of renegade, veteran actors. You've got Sam Rockwell (MEGA talented actor who has somehow never even seen an Oscar nomination!? WTF MOVIE PEOPLE), Christopher Walken (also a MEGA talented actor who, if I won the lottery, I would gladly hire to narrate the rest of my life), Woody Harrelson (weird-crazy-but-funny dude), Tom Waits (no waaayyy!! What is he doing in this movie! Love his music), Colin Farrell.

Seven Psychopaths is a DARK COMEDY people, it isn't a thriller or horror. Every time I start telling someone how awesome this movie is they seem to think it sounds scary. It probably could have done with some Americanisms added into the middle of the title, and a Britishism to balance it out, just to give it a bit more of an Indie Dark Comedy feel, how about....'Seven Mega, Fricken, Bloody Awesome Psychopaths'.

In Seven Mega, Fricken, Bloody Awesome Psychopaths there is a guy, and another guy. The first guy steals a dog from a someone else who isn't happy about it. The second guy is writing a screenplay about Seven Psychopaths (OH the irony!!) and along the way, the story he is writing seems to be integrated into the 'real world'. Some of the mini background stories for the psychopaths are utterly fascinating and the impact they make is astounding. Definitely listen to the last psychopaths story. Each psychopath is introduced in a way similar to Kill Bill and Borderlands (I'm sure this was probably done by something else before these idea what though.)

This film is so good it already has cult status. From me.

WonderOri recommends the following: Kill Bill, True Romance, Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs...Anything by Quentin Tarantino. Stranger than Fiction, Suicide Kings, Borderlands.