
2007: A Space Portal-sey

Since Portal 2 is being released in two weeks' time a buddy of mine recently urged me to play the original Portal on the PC so I could understand what all the fuss was about.

The game starts off with a female computer system named GLaDOS who equips you with a magic portal-shooting teleportation device. She runs you through a series of test rooms with the promise of cake at the end as encouragement.

I was extremely impressed with the portal gun. The idea of teleporting from one specific place to another was then further enhanced with the aspect of gravity, which allows you to jump from a high place into one portal to create a high velocity so when you come out the other portal you go flying forwards.

It's the type of invention that would be perfect for me to use against bad guys and it's such a realistic way of portraying the first generation of teleportation. Unfortunately, I don't have the extensive funding that Batman has so he'll probably create this before I do.

After a while I could tell something was definitely not right with this GLaDOS computer system as the test rooms and problem solving elements of the game became more complicated and dangerous.

That's when I realised she was actually evil and I had to put a stop to this new enemy.

The game doesn't feel very long, unless you take your time and play it in bits you can easily get sucked in and end up playing the entire game within a couple of hours. However there are extra advanced courses and challenges to try out afterwards and you could always take a break to reward yourself with a slice of Victoria sponge (yeah, I didn't want to say cake there because it rhymes with break, I know you noticed that!) Oh, and with the credits there is song! I've always found that having a little diddy in the credits is an epic way to end a game.

Since I seem to be five or so years behind everyone else having just played this, I have vowed to buy Portal 2 the week it comes out, take advantage of its meme-ious phrases and defeat GLaDOS once and for all...or see if there is an upgrade of HAL on the market and hook them up...they would make a great couple! Aww.


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