
At first it's all fun and games...

Last night, after a long and tiresome heroic evening I decided to relout (alternative to chillax?) to a little movie called Splice, made back in 2009.

Two scientists who produce new creatures decide to splice together some creature genes with human DNA in secrecy. The different genes of species that they squished into their new creation are introduced as if they are superpowers at different stages throughout the mutant's lifecycle. Thus an alien-like supermonster which they name Dren (Nerd backwards) is born.

So, I was watching Splice 2009 happily enjoying it as I played that game (which I call 'The Goiler Game', you can also have a 'Goiler' who is that odd person when you are watching a film in a group who puts it upon themselves to guess the spoilers out loud), so you shout out what will happen next, and I seemed to be winning all the time (which is great, I love winning :D).

Then it suddenly occurred to me, 'Wait a minute WonderOri! People don't like it when they win this game, this is what film reviewers call ''PREDICTABLE!'' '

I don't 100% agree with this idea, it wasn't predictable in an incredibly mega-cliche way and further towards the end I started to enjoy the game less and less as it became more of an awkward 'Oh no, this isn't going to happen next is it..?' This, as you can imagine, complicated my relationship I had built with Splice and by the time I got to the end we were in a love-hate relationship.

I can't even begin to explain some of the events that took place in this movie, plus I don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't seen it! I can only imagine the riot some of the scenes probably caused over at the Imdb forums when this film was released.

*Warning - may contain little spoilers*
After our little fall out Splice and I went our separate ways and we have decided not to see each other again, it's probably for the best.

At least I never slept with a mutant-human....although I can't say the opportunity hasn't ever stared me in the face with its three eyes.


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